One of the ongoing challenges is setting up a schedule where I can animate, work the night gig, and have a life where I eat and clean up.
This morning, I woke up and had about two hours to lip sync. This dash to get the latest chapter synced brought up an interesting question. How many frames can I knock out in per hour?
I noted which frame I was on, the time, and began going to it. While I can feel issues coming on like eye strain and morning lag, it was more interesting to note the computer was starting to give out first. I was on a roll, and the fans on the laptop started kicking in hard. Towards the end of the hour, I could feel the keyboard heating up to a disturbing level.
Now, I've knocked out one laptop before on a Photoshop project. So, I called it quits just under an hour, which produced 600 frames of lip sync.
So now I can put together a different tact that fits in with the schedule. Sync for an hour, take a break to do things like clean up or have lunch, sync a little more, then go to work. With this I can also plan how long it may take to get a chapter done, which in this case, I've got about 1000 frames left, or just under two hours of work.
Nice to know...